Lusoviagens – Agência de Viagens e Turismo, Lda.
Av. D. João III, Edifício 2000, Loja 2
2400-164 Leiria – Portugal
Taxpayer Nr. 502648929
Realized Social Capital of €99.760,00 registered at the Commercial Registry of Leiria under number 502648929
Registration (RNAVT) n. 2012
These general conditions comply with the provisions of Decree-Law 199/2012 of 24 August.
The technical organization of trips and services presented on the website is the responsibility of the respective tour operators.
We have a Complaints Book Online:
Complaints can only be considered as long as they are submitted in writing to the agency within a maximum period of 20 working days after the end of the provision of services. They can only be accepted as long as they are reported to the service providers during the journey, requiring the respective documents proving the occurrence of the same.
In the event of a claim for non-performance of the contracted services, the client may issue the deposit provided for under the terms of the legislation in force, and must submit the respective claim to Turismo de Portugal I.P. within 20 working days after the end of the trip.
1) Customer Service Provider for Travel Agencies, in;
2) Arbitral Commission for Tourism of Portugal in
3) Other Alternative Dispute Resolution Entities (RAL) available at, in List of RAL Entities
Upon registration, the customer must deposit 30% of the price of the trip / stay, settling the remaining 70%, up to 21 days before departure. If the registration takes place 21 days or less from the date of departure, the total price of the trip must be paid at the time of registration, subject to obtaining from the suppliers the confirmation of reservations for all travel services. The organizing agency and / or tour operators reserve the right to cancel any registration whose payment has not been made under the conditions mentioned above.
You should always request information about children's conditions as a complement to the information described in the tour operators' programs.
For each reservation or change, the monies (non-refundable) included in the specific schedule of each tour operator will be charged, at least € 15 per process.
When not included, they must be paid locally by passengers at the airports where they are required.
The client must have in good order his personal or family documentation, (citizen's card, b. I., Passport, military documentation, authorization for minors, visas, vaccination certificate and others possibly required). The agency declines any responsibility for refusing to grant visas or not allowing the client to enter a foreign country; in these cases, the conditions set out in the “Withdrawal” clause apply, and any and all costs incurred by such a situation are still in the client's account.
Travel in the European Union:
♦ Customers (regardless of age) who move within the European Union must have the respective civil identification document (passport; B.I, Citizen Card);
♦ To obtain medical assistance, they must have the respective European Health Insurance Card;
♦ Nationals of non-EU countries should consult specific information regarding the necessary documentation to travel with the embassies / consulates of the countries of origin;
Travel outside the European Union:
♦ Customers (regardless of age) who travel must have the respective civil identification document (passport) as well as a visa if necessary (obtain this information from the agency at the time of booking);
♦ Nationals of non-EU countries should consult specific information regarding the necessary documentation to travel with the embassies / consulates of the countries of origin;
As for land transport, it is understood that the luggage and other personal belongings of passengers are kept with you, whatever the part of the vehicle in which they are placed, and that they will be transported at the expense and risk of the passengers. Passengers are advised to be present in all handling of loading and unloading of luggage. As for other transport, including rail, the conditions of the carrier companies are applied, the ticket being the document that binds the aforementioned companies to the passenger. If they suffer any loss or loss, the consumer must present the timely complaint to the transport company.
In international transport, in case of damage to luggage, the claim must be made in writing to the carrier immediately after the damage has been verified, and at most 7 days after delivery. In case of a mere delay in the delivery of the baggage, the claim must be made within 21 days from the date of delivery.
If the suppliers of the trip in question allow, whenever a customer, enrolled for a certain trip, wishes to change his enrollment for another trip or for the same departing on a different date, or any other change, he must pay the fee, as amendment expenses. However, when the change takes place 30 days or less in advance of the departure date of the trip, for which the customer is enrolled, or if the service providers do not accept the change, it is subject to the anticipated expenses and charges under the heading “withdrawals”.
After the trip has started, if requested to change the contracted services for reasons not attributable to the agency (eg extension of nights, change of flight) the prices of the tourist services may not correspond to those published in the leaflet that motivated the hiring.
The customer can give up his registration, making himself replaced by another person who fulfills all the conditions required for the trip, provided that he informs the selling agency at least seven days in advance and that such assignment is possible under the terms of the transport regulations. applicable air services. In the case of cruises and air travel, the scheduled deadline will be fifteen days in advance.
The assignment of registration is jointly and severally liable for the transferor and assignee for the payment of the travel price and for the additional charges originating.
Whenever there are other reasons that justify it, the organizing agency may change the order of the journeys, modify the departure times or replace any of the planned hotels with others of a similar category and location, and must inform the customer of such change, as soon as it knowledge. If unforeseen circumstances force you to suspend any travel, customers will always be entitled to a refund of the amounts paid.
When the trip is dependent on a minimum number of participants, the Agency reserves the right to cancel the organized trip if the number of participants reached is less than the minimum. In these cases, the customer will be informed in writing of the cancellation within 14 days.
The prices contained in the program are based on the costs of services and exchange rates in effect at the date of printing of this program, so they are subject to change resulting from changes in the cost of transport or fuel, duties, taxes, fees and exchange rate fluctuations. up to 20 days before the travel date. Whenever there is a change in the price of the trip, the customer will be immediately informed and invited to, within the time limit set, accept the verified increase or cancel his enrollment under the same terms and conditions as those provided for in the “Impossibility of greeting".
Once the trip has started, no refund is due for services not used by the customer. Failure to provide services foreseen in the travel program for reasons not attributable to the organizing agency and if replacement by other equivalents is not possible, entitles the customer to the right to be reimbursed for the difference between the price of the services provided and that actually provided.
If, due to facts not attributable to the organizing agency, it becomes unable to perform any essential services included in the travel program, the customer has the right to withdraw from the trip, being immediately refunded of all amounts paid or, alternatively, accepting a change and possible price variation.
If the referred facts not attributable to the organizing agency determine the cancellation of the trip, the client may also choose to participate in another organized trip of an equivalent price. If the proposed package travel instead is of a lower price, the customer will be refunded the respective difference.
If the minimum number of participants required is not reached, the organizing agency may cancel the trip, notifying the client at least 8 days in advance, in which case the agency will not be liable for the termination.
The Client or any of his companions is free to withdraw or cancel the trip at all times. Such cancellation implies that he is responsible for paying all charges that the withdrawal gives rise to and a percentage that can go up to 15% of the price of the trip. Where applicable, the customer will be reimbursed for the difference between the amount paid and the amounts mentioned above.
Specific conditions for the Disneyland® Paris destination:
If the customer or some of his companions give up the trip / stay or part of the services, he will have to pay all charges.
- Cancellations between 15 and 11 days before departure - 5% of total services.
- Cancellations between 10 and 3 days before departure - 15% of total services.
- Cancellations occurred 2 days before departure - 100% of the total services.
- Cancellations occurring on the day of departure - 100% of the total services.
- All of the above charges as well as the charges for canceling the airline ticket and a percentage that may go up to 15% of the price of the trip. When applicable, the customer will be reimbursed for the difference between the amount already paid and the amounts already mentioned.
The departure and arrival times are indicated in the local time of the respective country and according to the schedules of the respective airlines at the date of printing of this program, and may therefore be subject to change.
Apartments - In case the accommodation is hired in an apartment, it is the client's responsibility to inform the number of people who will occupy the apartment. In the event of more people than booked, the apartments may refuse entry.
Hotels - The price shown, as a rule, is per person and is based on double occupancy. Not all hotels have a triple room and an extra bed is usually installed, which may not be of the same quality. In rooms equipped with two beds or a double, the triple can be made up only of those beds.
The list of hotels and apartments included in the program is indicative as well as their category that respects local criteria and classifications whose criteria are sometimes different from those used in Portugal.
Unless otherwise stated, prices shown for Half Board and Full Board supplements do not include drinks.
On arrival at the hotel after 7pm, the first meal service will be breakfast the next day, on the last day and unless late check-out is possible, the hotel's last service will be breakfast.
The hours and entry and departure on the first and last day, will be defined according to the first and last service. As a rule, non-binding rooms can be used from 2 pm on the day of arrival and must be left free until 12 noon on the day of departure.
In the apartments, the entrance usually takes place by 5 pm on the day of arrival and must be left free until 10 am on the day of departure.
The agency offers the sale of insurance that can be purchased depending on the trip to guarantee assistance situations and cancellation expenses.
NOTE: The present General Conditions may be complemented by any other specific ones, as long as duly agreed by the parties.
LUSOVIAGENS is a member of the Travel Agency's Customer Provider. To take advantage of this service, you must, within 20 working days after the end of the trip, submit your complaint in writing to the address: Rua Duque de Palmela, no. 2, 1 Dt, 1250-098 Lisbon, or by email provider @ provedorapavt .with . The agencies are bound to the punctual compliance with the decision that may be issued by such an entity.
Complaints are subject to preliminary consideration and may not be accepted if they are manifestly presented in bad faith or without foundation. The decisions of the Client Ombudsman are always communicated in writing to the Agency in question, and the latter must correct the irregular situation, if it exists, within 30 days of notification of the decisions.
The agency offers the sale of insurance that can be purchased depending on the trip to guarantee assistance situations and cancellation expenses.
The travel agency's liability is guaranteed by civil liability insurance and bank guarantee, under the terms of the legislation in force.
For more informations, contact Lusoviagens.